Saturday, August 24, 2024

Horoscope as Sweet as Krispy Kreme Dr Pepper Doughnuts

experience tailored just for you
You may indulge in a year full of sweet surprises with our Annual Personalized Horoscope! 

Just like savoring a Krispy Kreme Dr Pepper doughnut, your horoscope is crafted to deliver a unique and delightful experience tailored just for you. 

Each zodiac sign is a different flavor, packed with insights and guidance to help you navigate through 2024 with confidence and joy. 

However, astrology primarily indicates where you are more likely to find success, not where you won’t. As human beings, we have the unique ability to shape our own destinies through good intentions and hard work.

Whether you crave bold predictions or comforting affirmations, this annual personalized horoscope is your recipe for a fulfilling year ahead. Treat yourself to the sweetness of knowing what the stars have in store for you!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Experience of astrologer that counts


Astrology is very much reliable to predict the broad patterns of a person's future.

Horoscope of a person is the a chart that nowadays it is mostly done by computer software. It displays the placement of planets(as per transit on that day)  as it is reflected in the particular signs and houses. 

The entire chart called horoscope, thus becomes a handy tool for astrologers to predict about the likely event to happen or otherwise, in a native's life. Astrology is reliable to predict most of the events from cradle to the grave, in a native's life. 

Only thing is the capability and experience of astrologer that counts. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Harnessing Astrology for Self-Discovery and Career Guidance

learn about yourself
Under the expert guidance of a skilled astrologer, astrology can help you learn about yourself. 

The thorough analysis of horoscope reveals why you are the way you are, why your thoughts follow a certain pattern, and identifies your strengths and weaknesses. Astrology also provides insights into your health, outlook on life, and favorable and unfavorable periods. It can inform you about what actions to take and what to avoid.

The most effective use of astrology is in self-discovery. Many individuals have changed careers in their thirties, only to find success later. This often happens because they started in a field that was not right for them. A thorough analysis of  horoscope could have provided guidance earlier, potentially saving them from years of wasted effort

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Problem of Confidentiality

invasion of privacy
It depends on who this person is. 

If it is a spouse, child or other close relative, there is nothing wrong. We are not most interested in who the person is, just to receive their correct dates of birth on the basis of which I can draw the astral map

Otherwise, the problem of confidentiality arises. Requesting someone else's horoscope can raise confidentiality concerns. It’s important to get the person’s consent, as it involves using personal data like birth details. Even though horoscopes aren't typically considered highly sensitive, obtaining them without permission could be seen as an invasion of privacy and disrespect for the individual's beliefs.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

How accurate is the horoscope?

planet's influence
The horoscope is a map associated with each individual. Its drawing starts from the moment he is born. 

At that moment, the sky and the planets have a certain position that determines energies that will influence the course of the newborn

It is obvious that over time, the stars change their positions relative to each other, so the sky map from this moment is not identical to the one that was two hours before. Consequently, planets' influence are also different

In conclusion, a horoscope is all the more accurate the more precisely the dates of birth (time and place) are provided. If the data is not very precise, and the horoscope has some deviations, not very important

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Horoscope is based on your birth details

stars at time and place of your birth 
The natal chart reading is based on the position of all the stars at the day, time and place of your birth.

The aspects and relationships between the stars are as important as the signs they are in, because firstly your birth details draw a picture of the Big Three - the sun, the moon and the rising sign - in terms of the main traits of your personality.

Then, to learn more, we head to the other planets

  • Mercury, give information about how you communicate
  • Venus and Mars tell about your sentimental life
  • Jupiter and Saturn show if you have a quiet or impulsive behavior
  • For the moment, Uranus Neptune and Pluto can be neglected

Then, from the way the planets are positioned in relation to others, you can see the areas in which you feel at ease, or, on the contrary, you feel somewhat embarrassed

By summarizing all this in one image, it can be highlighted how a person must act to get what he wants or, on the contrary, how to avoid events that he does not want in his life

Monday, August 5, 2024

How is calculated annual personalized horoscope

outlines opportunitues and challenges
What is a personalized annual horoscope?

A personalized annual horoscope is an astrological report that outlines opportunities and challenges you may encounter over the next 365 days, based on your birth details and the movement of celestial bodies.

In terms of astrology, the personalized horoscope is much more precise, because it also takes into account your time and place of birth. This allows you to establish a horoscope that will be based on all the planets in your birth sky and not just the Sun, unlike a classic horoscope.

How is my personalized horoscope calculated?

The horoscope is calculated using your date, time, and place of birth, interpreting the positions of the planets and other specific astrological elements.

What information is required to receive the annual horoscope?

We need your date of birth, exact time (if available), and place of birth.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

The Horoscope - Something to Experience

chart of your destiny
It’s real that horoscopes do exist and astrology does exist, since people are talking about and researching those topics.

The Horoscope or, in general, real astrology aren’t something to ‘believe’; are something to 'experience'. When you look at your own birth chart, accurately calculated from your exact date, time, and place of birth, you are looking at yourself from a deeper perspective than you could see in a mirror. 

Astrology is not something mystical. The truth is that it is really based on how the universe looked like on the day you were born, as well as the precise time and location. Then, your horoscope is a chart of your destiny, written in a language that only astrologers understand.

As much as this information related to your birthday are true and very accurate, you can hope to get a horoscope that reveals the pathway to your future

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Annual Personalized Horoscope

important business opportunities 
 An annual personalized  horoscope is a report that includes predictions for the next 365 days related to you.

In other words, you will receive a report for the next 365 days from the date this report is requested. This annual personalized horoscope covers:

  • An annual cycle: This will cover a one-year / 365-day window and provide you with a clear view of your life and destiny during this period.
  • Monthly prediction: The report will then cover, on a monthly basis, predictions related to career and love/marriage life.
  • Daily predictions: Finally, the report will include daily forecasts according to the lunar sign, helping you gain visibility and determine in advance how a particular day might unfold for you. This part of the report is especially beneficial for seizing important business opportunities, knowing your health status, or understanding how to avoid or overcome any obstacles or pitfalls in the next 365 days.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Is Astrology considered a valid field?

astrology considered a valid field
In my opinion, Astrology is located on the border between science and art. 

It cannot be considered science because it does not have proven principles and theorems to substantiate its approach. 

The art is not complete because its beauty is confirmed by only two people: the astrologer and the person in question, other public being excluded as irrelevant.

The accuracy of an astrological forecast is in the eye of the reader. When an astrologer reads your chart and you find this reading enlightening and relevant, then I can say that astrology has proven to be valid and correct for you. The opinion of a third party cannot be taken into account because it has nothing to do with the situation .

Is Astrology considered a valid field?

It is difficult to find arguments in favor of this answer. History tells us that disputes still last in ancient Rome. Astrologers were often banished because they spread a barbaric superstition. But they always returned because the population needed their services

Many things have not been proven to be valid, and yet people ask for them because they need them

If you agree or don't with opinion Astrology is located on the border between science and art, please leave a comment here.